- email settings in alphabetical order
*some server requires the whole email address in the "email username" area
AOL server settings:
- Incoming - imap.aol.com | port - 143 or 993 SSL
- Outgoing - smtp.aol.com | port - 587 TLS
ATT, SbcGlobal and BellSouth server settings:
ATT, SbcGlobal and BellSouth server settings:
- Incoming - pop.att.yahoo.com | port - 995 SSL
- Outgoing - smtp.att.yahoo.com | port - 465 SSL
Century Link server settings:
- Incoming - pop.centurylink.net | port - 995 SSL
- Outgoing - smtp.centurylink.net | port - 587 (check TLS if available)
Charter server settings:
- Incoming - pop.charter.net | port - 110
- Outgoing - smtp.charter.net | port - 25
Comcast server settings:
- Incoming - mail.comcast.net | port - 995 SSL
- Outgoing - smtp.comcast.net | port - 465 SSL
Cox server settings:
Eatel server settings:
Frontier server settings:
Gmail server settings:
Hotmail and Live server settings:Cox server settings:
- Incoming - pop.cox.net | port - 995 SSL
- Outgoing - smtp.cox.net | port - 465 SSL
Eatel server settings:
- Incoming - mail.eatel.net | port - 110
- Outgoing - mail.eatel.net | port - 587
Frontier server settings:
- Incoming - pop3.frontier.com | port - 110
- Outgoing - smtp.frontier.com | port - 25
Gmail server settings:
- Incoming - pop.gmail.com | port - 995 SSL
- Outgoing - smtp.gmail.com | port - 587 TLS
- Logon using Secure Password Authentification
- Incoming - imap.gmail.com | port - 993 SSL
- Outgoing - smtp.gmail.com | port - 465 or 587 TLS
- Incoming - pop3.live.com | port - 995 SSL
- Outgoing - smtp.live.com | port - 587 TLS
- Logon using Secure Password Authentification
MSN server settings:
- Incoming - pop3.email.msn.com | port - 110 or 995 SSL
- Outgoing - smtp.email.msn.com | port - 25 or 587 TLS
- Logon using Secure Password Authentification
Nemont server settings:
- Incoming - pop.nemont.net | port - 110
- Outgoing - smtp.nemont.net | port - 25
NetZero server settings:
- Incoming - pop.netzero.com | port - 995 SSL
- Outgoing - smtp.netzero.com | port - 465 SSL
PenTeleData (@ptd.net) server settings:
- Incoming - promail.ptd.net | port - 110
- Outgoing - promail.ptd.net | port - 25 or 587 TLS
OptOnline server settings:
OptOnline server settings:
- Incoming - mail.optonline.net | port - 110
- Outgoing - mail.optonline.net | port - 587 TLS
Road Runner server settings:
- Click Here --> https://motorola-global-portal.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/40243/~/droid---roadrunner-email
- It says for android but it works for any mobile devices and Computers
Suddenlink server settings:
- Incoming - pop.suddenlink.net | port - 110
- Outgoing - smtp.suddenlink.net | port - 25
Verizon server settings:
- Incoming - incoming.verizon.net | port - 995 SSL
- Outgoing - outgoing.verizon.net | port - 465 SSL
Yahoo IMAP server settings:
- This setting will work on computers and mobile devices without needing yahoo plus account
- Incoming - imap.mail.yahoo.com | port - 993 SSL
- Outgoing - smtp.mail.yahoo.com | port - 25 or 465 SSL
Source of all Email settings:
- http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mobile/comms/mail/imap-01.html
- http://cockle.us/download/ATT_ServerSettings.htm
- http://www.emailaddressmanager.com/tips/mail-settings.html
- http://ptd.net/tiki-index.php?page=Information_on_configuring_%20email_client_to_use_POP
- http://optimum.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/39/~/optimum-online%3A-email-settings---pop-and-smtp
- http://ww2.cox.com/residential/sandiego/support/internet/article.cox?articleId=%7Ba8fb24c0-6440-11df-ccef-000000000000%7D
- http://help.netzero.net/support/email/email-setup-mso2k2.html
- http://www.myaccount.charter.com/customers/support.aspx?supportarticleid=1417
- http://www.eatel.com/page.cfm?pid=137&tmp=2CA&menu=support
- http://www.nemontel.net/Email%20Parameters.html
- http://qwest.centurylink.com/internethelp/email-server-settings.html